Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter (Anne Plantagenet)

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Born: 1439, 10th August.

Place of Birth: Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire.

Died: 1476, 21 April. Buried St Georges Chapel, Windsor.

Parents: Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York and Lady Cecily Neville.

Marriages: 1. 1447, Henry Holland, 3rd Duke of Exeter. 2. c1474, Sir Thomas St Leger.

Children: With Henry Holland, Anne 1455. With Sir Thomas Leger, Anne St Leger 1476.


Notes: In 1447, Anne was married to Henry Holland, 3rd Duke of Exeter aged 8. Having divorced Henry, Anne married Thomas St Ledger in about 1474. He was a loyal follower of King Edward IV and took part in the Duke of Buckingham's rebellion against Richard lll, on the failure of which he was executed. Anne died, shortly after the birth of her daughter Anne St Leger, due to childbirth complications.

During the work to identify the remains found under a Leicester car, Anne's line of decent was used to identify Michael Ibsen as a direct decendent of Richard III. His DNA, along with that Wendy Duldig, was used to identify the remains as those of Richard III. The site of the car park was formerly the site of Grey Friars Priory, where Richard was known to been buried, without ceremony, following the Battle of Bosworth Field.