Anne St Leger, Baroness de Ros

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Born: 1476, 14th January.

Place of Birth: Ulcombe, Kent.

Died: 1526 in Winsor. Buried St Georges Chapel, Windsor.

Parents: Sir Thomas St Leger and Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter.

Marriages: George Manners 11th Baron Ros on 20 June 1490.

Children: Thomas 1st Earl of Rutland c1463, Elizabeth c1466, William c1481, George c1482, Anne c1490, Margaret c1491, Oliver c1492, Anthony c1494, Cecily c1496, Anne c1498, Eleanor 1503 and Sir Richard 1506.


Notes: Anne St Leger (later Baroness de Ros) was a niece of two kings of England, Edward IV and Richard III. Before she was 8, she had inherited a vast fortune and been disinherited of it. Married at 14, she had 11 children.

Anne's line of decent was used, in the identification of the remains, found under a Leicester car park, as being those of Richard III, her uncle. The site had formaly been that of Gray Friars Priory, where Richard III was know to have been buried.