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Barbara Constable

Born: c1531.

Place of Birth: Yorkshire.

Died: c1564.

Parents: Sir Robert Constable, Knight and Catherine Manners.

Marriages: Sir William Babthorpe, Knight.

Children: Margaret c1558, Sir Ralph c1560, Katherine c1561, Frances c1653 and Mary c1562.


Notes: Barbara was one of the female line from Anne of York (born 1439), Richard's sister, which lead to Michael Ibsen, who's DNA was used to identify the remains of King Richard III. These were found under a car park in Leicester. On the site where Grey Friars Priory once stood. Anne of York was the sister of Richard III. After Anne, was Anne St Leger (born 1476), Catherine Manners (born c1510) then Barbara (born c1531). In between Barbara and Michael Ibson were a further thirteen generations. Wendy Duldig the second person who's DNA was also used, followed a different route down the female line. In that after Catherine Manners the route took in Everilda Constable (born c1535), then another fifteen generations before Wendy.