Edward IV, King of England

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Born: 1442, 28th April.

Place of Birth: Rouen, Normandy, France.

Died: 1483, 9th April, Westminster, Middlesex.

Parents: Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Lady Cecily Neville.

Marriages: Elizabeth Woodville, 1st May 1464.

Children: Legitimate, Elizabeth of York 1466-1503, former wife of Henry VII, Mary of York 1467-1482, Cecily of York 1469-1507, Viscountess of Wells, Edward V of England 1470-c1483 (disappeared from Tower of London), Margaret of York 1470-1472, Richard Duke of York 1473-c1483 (disappeared from Tower of London), Ann Lady Howard 1475-1511, George Duke of Bedford 1477-1479, Catherine Countess of Devon  1479-1527 and Bridget of York 1480-1507. Illegitemate,  Elizabeth Plantagenet c1464, Grace of York c14?? and Arthur Vicount of Lisie c1460.

Occupation: King of England, Lord of Ireland.

Notes: Edward IV reigned from 4th March 1461 to 3rd December 1470. At this time, following the battle of Edgecote Moor in July 1469 Edward, which he lost, he was held prisoner. He returned to reign again on 11th April 1471 until his death on 9th April 1483.

For more information on the life of Edward IV click here.