Sir Marmaduke Constable

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Born: c1480.

Place of Birth: Everingham, Yorkshire.

Died: 1545, 14th September. Buried St Everild, Everingham, Yorkshire as specified in his Will, alongside his wife.

Parents: Sir Marmaduke and Joyce Constable, nee Stafford.

Marriages: Barbara Sothill in c1490, daughter of John Sothill, Esquire, of Everingham, Yorkshire.

Children:  Sir John 1491, Sir Robert c1495, William 1503 and Everilda 1504.

Occupation: Knight. Sheriff of Yorkshire 1509-10. Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1513-1514. Member of Parliament for Yorkshire, 1529-1545.

Notes: The Constable family take their name from the office of Constable of Chester, at the time of William the Conqueror. The house of Constable being founded in Flamborough, Yorkshire.

Marmaduke fought at Flodden and was knighted in September 1513, after the battle. He was in attendance at the Field of the Cloth of Gold and at the meeting of Henry VIII, with the Emperor Charles V in 1520. He served in the wars in Scotland in 1522 and 1523, playing a prominent part in the capture of Jedburg and Ferniehurst in September 1523. He also saw service again in Scotland in 1544. Marmaduke remained loyal to the Crown, in the northern rebellion, known as the Pilgrimage of Faith.