Sir Robert Constable

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Born: c1495.

Place of Birth: Everingham, Yorkshire..

Died: 1558, 14th October.

Parents: Sir Marmaduke and Barbara Constable, nee Sothill.

Marriages: Catherine Manners around c1520. Daughter of George Manners, 11th Baron de Ross of Helmsley Castle and Anne St. Leger.

Children: John 1523, Elizabeth 1528, Margaret 1529, Sir Marmaduke 1530, Barbara 1531, Sir Robert 1533, Everild 1535 (also known as Everhilda), Thomas 1536, George 1539, Michael 1540, William 1542, Eleanor 1542 and Jane 1543.

Occupation: Knight, Member of Parliament and Sheriff of Yorkshire.

Notes: Sir Robert was an MP and Sheriff of Yorkshire. He fought for King Henry VIII against the Scots in 1540's. He was knighted by Edward Seymore, Earl of Herford in 1544. In 1545 he was taken prisoner by the Scots and was either released or exchanged for a Scottish Lord, since he served as Sheriff of Yorkshire between 1557 and 1558.

Roberts mother Catherine Manners, was a matrilineal decendant of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York (sister of Richard III) and the mitochondrial DNA descent through which the remains of Richard III were identified in 2013.

Childrens marriages, Sir Marmaduke married Jane Conyers daughter of Sir Christopher Conyers. Sir Robert married Christiana Dabrigdecourt, daughter of John Dabridgecourt of Landon Hall, Warwickshire. Their only child was the poet Henry Constable. Barbara married Sir William Babthorpe, who was suspected of Catholicism. He proved his loyaty to Queen Elizabeth I, by helping to quell the Northern Rebellion in 1569.