Thomas Barlow
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Born: 1718. Baptised at St Nicholas, Rossendale, Lancashire.

Place of Birth: Barlow Hall, Chorlton cum Hardy, Lancashire.

Died: 3rd March 1773 in Manchester. Buried at Manchester Cathedral.

Parents: Thomas and Mary Barlow, nee Myers.

Marriages: Mary Worral, 11th December 1760 at St Lawrence Jewry, London.



Notes: Thomas was the last of the Barlow family to reside at Barlow Hall in Chorlton cum Hardy, Lancashire.

Barlow Hall is an ancient manor house and grade II listed building. A house as existed on the site from at least the 13th century, however the existing building dates back to 1584, when it was rebuilt. The Roman Catholic Saint, St Ambrose Barlow was born at Barlow Hall. Since 1905, Barlow Hall has been the clubhouse of the Chorlton cum Hardy Golf Club.

Thomas was the last male heir seated at Barlow Hall. Following his death, his executers sold the hall, by court order in August 1785 to the Egerton family of Tatton. Thomas's personal estate was valued at £300, but there were debts of £8000. His named heirs were brother Humphrey and sister Mary and her children.